Ethical Hacking

These are FREE resources to help get you started in learning about ethical hacking!


Guided lessons and labs to practice and learn

Hack The Box

Vulnerable VM's and Labs to practice

Hack This Site

Vulnerable site with specific challenges


Online repository of courses


CTF playground with challenges

TCM Security Course

Intro to ethical hacking YouTube course

Hack Yourself First

Vulnerable site to practice hacking, part of Troy Hunt's course

OWASP Juice Shop

Github repo of a vulnerable application

PortSwigger Academy

Guided courses from the maker's of BurpSuite

Game of Hacks

Games of code/app hacking in specific languages 


Vulnerable VM's to Attack

Hacker Test

Online simulation/test to challenge skills

Web App Hacking

Web App Hacking YouTube course


Exercises and labs to learn hands-on

Defend the Web

Interactive platform with articles and labs


Lab with in-browser challenges to complete

Network Pen Testing

YouTube Network Pen Testing Course

Google Gruyere

Web App Hacking Online Tutorial


Games geared towards learning navigating the command line and accessing remote systems