News Sources

The industry is always changing, these are news sites to learn from!

They range from daily blogs, podcasts, and media outlets. Take a gander and find one that best suits your learning style and bookmark them!

Bleeping Computer

One of the best sites for learning of new exploits, breaking news, and all things cyber related. It also posts deals, discounts, and tutorials for IT issues as well! 

The Hacker News

An independent news source giving you tons of articles on breaking malware, misconfigurations to be weary of, and the biggest companies under the microscope after recent attacks.

The Daily Swig

Breaking News across the industry about the latest vulnerabilities and attacks. Great way to stay informed of new attack vectors that may effect your company or your data!

SANS NewsBites

A semiweekly newsletter that will cover the top stories and tactics being seen in the news and give you updates as the biggest breaches get investigated.

The Hacker News

An independent news source giving you tons of articles on breaking malware, misconfigurations to be weary of, and the biggest companies under the microscope after recent attacks.

CISO Series

News site and podcasts all about the many aspects of a CISO's job. Here you will find everything from risk management, vendor relationships, and how to succeed in leadership!

Cyber Security News

A good news source filled with information about ongoing attacks, exploitable vulnerabilities, and threat intel about hacker groups.