
You've put in the work, studied your metaphorical butt off, and are ready to apply to jobs.

Check out the below tips and templates to get a kick-ass resume put together to showcase your skills!

Tips for creating a resume

1.)  Don't Lie!

You should never claim to know something you don't, or have experience that you don't have. 

2.)  Tailor to your New Position!

When you create your resume, keep in mind what you are applying for. You don't HAVE to create a new resume for each job you apply to, but at least make sure you are using keywords and experience that is applicable to the new position. 

3.)  Use Metrics!

In your job descriptions, try to show quantitative metrics whenever possible. Instead of just simply saying "improved processes" share some metrics around how well you improved it! (Improved X process by 15% leading to $X in savings) 

4.)  Review Old Jobs!

Having trouble figuring out what you should write for your current job? Go back and review the description from when you first applied. It likely has some keyword-oriented descriptions of the role you are doing. 

5.)  Highlight Non-Work Experiences!

If you don't have a lot of paid work experience, showcase projects or community involvement. Maybe you've helped a non-profit fix some computers, or put on a presentation about security for a class. Everything applicable to the position is fair game!

6.)  Consistency is Key!

When creating your resume, make sure to use the same fonts, amount of bolding, and verb tenses throughout. Watch out for using present tense verbs in old positions, you are no longer implementing that technology, you have implemented it. 

7.)  Mirror your LinkedIn!

Nothing is worse than reading a resume and seeing something different on a candidates LinkedIn. Make sure your profile is updates and job descriptions are added!

Download FREE Templates Below!

One Page Technical Resume
Graphic IT Resume